Contact Info

Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp is located in beautiful north Idaho.

Positioned on the north end of lake Cocolalla and surrounded by trees, it is an ideal place to get away from the distractions of life. The lake offers a wonderful setting for people to gather to hear God’s Word and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.

Contact A Camper!

Parents: please follow the link to the left to contact your camper. Other correspondence and inquiries can use the form below.

Contact Us

Drop in for a visit

Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp is located at the north end of Cocolalla Lake. Take North Cocolalla Loop Road 1/4 mile west from Highway 95.

Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp

209 Cocolalla Loop Rd.
PO Box 106
Cocolalla, iD 83813

Tel (208) 263-3912